Recurrent miscarriage (RM)
Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is defined as three or more clinically consecutive or non-consecutive pregnancy losses.
Recurrent miscarriage (RM) may induce devastating emotional impact on the couple. There are multiple genetic causes known to contribute to pregnancy loss. Therefore, Couples who had a prior evaluation with a, gynecologist, endocrinologist & fetal medicine specialists while still experiencing fetal loss, should pursue referral to a genetic specialist to rule out genetics causes of recurrent miscarriage.
A considerable percentage of miscarriages is due to chromosomal abnormality in the parents or fetus or may be due to single gene disorders which specifically lead to pregnancy loss in the second and third trimester. Consanguinity (marriage of close relatives) increases the risk for single gene disorders due to the increased chance that both parents carry the same gene mutations that they inherited from a common ancestor.
Genetic Counseling of couples with recurrent miscarriage (RM) is of high importance especially when prior medical evaluations show no abnormal results.
Genetic counseling can help to better understand genetic causes that may affect a past, current, or future pregnancy through evaluating personal medical and family history, in addition to identifying the genetic risks and the genetic tests available to identify the problem as well as explaining the testing results.
Meet our expert Dr. Ahmed Ihab about the role of genetic counseling in uncovering possible causes behind repeated miscarriages.
Dr. Ihab is head of the Molecular Diagnostic Unit at the Genetic Diagnostic Center and an Associate Professor of Human Genetics at New Giza University.