Urology Doctors


Dr. Mostafa Esmat Sheba

Lecturer & PhD in urology from Cairo University


The renowned urology expert. With a PhD in urology from Cairo University, and having been a senior clinical fellow at the prestigious Cambridge University hospital, Dr Sheba is bringing his unsurpassed expertise in the field to Prime Clinics for your comfort and peace of mind.


Dr. Ashraf Mosharafa

Professor of Urology, Cairo University

Dr. Mosharafa graduated with honors from Cairo University Medical School, where he later obtained his Master of Science (2000) then Doctorate (2005) in Urology. Dr. Mosharafa did his fellowship training in Urologic Oncology at Indiana University where he gained special expertise in major uro-oncologic procedures and reconstructive surgery, in addition to a clinical fellowship in CHU Lille-2, France. Currently holding the position of Associate Professor of Urology at Cairo University, he is also a Urology Consultant at Dar Al Fouad hospital, member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS, London), and member of the scientific council of the Egyptian Board of Urology. Dr. Mosharafa has a long list of international publications and is associate editor of the African Journal of Urology.

Dr. Ahmed Abdullah

Dr. Ahmed Abdullah

Lecturer of Urology, Cairo University.


Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Hakeem

Professor of Urology, Cairo University

Dr Mahmoud Abdel Hakim MD,FEBU., from Cairo Egypt, obtained his medical degree from the Cairo University, Egypt. He joined Urology department where he attained a masters and doctorate degree.. In 2007 Dr Abdelhakim joned the urology department in Hopital Henri Mondor, Creteil Fr. under the Supervision of Prof CC. Abbou he completed Clinical fellowship in laparoscopy.

Dr Mahmoud Abdelhakim is currently a Lecturer of urology at the urology reconstruction unit, Cairo university, as well as Assistant Director of urology department at Alshorouk Hospital.